Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hippie Trader Joe's Employee.

If I had a picture of the Hippie Trader Joe's Employee he would probably resemble Karl Marx (if you don't know who Karl is read the Communist Manifesto...or wikepedia Karl Marx). But to be quite honest, I think anyone older than 61 does or should resemble Marx. I just like the way he looks, okay?

Me and Juliette scootered to Trader Joe's where we planned to get these delicious ice cream sandwiches that have ice cream squished between two delicious choco chip cookies (picture above! Yes, delicious! I know!). We were looking forward to this so much, both in the mood for this specific TJ's dessert.

We walk to the dessert aisle and guess what's not there...the ice cream sandwiches (look above again, so sad, right?)! Darn it! A few employees passed by, and finally we approached Mr. Hippie Trader Joe's Employee. J asked him if he could check in the back for the treats. After getting the free sample of enchiladas, we picked out juice and another frozen treat, but we wanted the sandwiches so dang bad! Mr. Hippie comes out of the back and guess what...not in stock, most likely snatched up by greedy, hungry thief-type shoppers! Darn it!

But sometimes things happen the way they do, and in the end, you are happier than you would have been with the result you expected. Mr. Hippie Trader Joe's Employee finds another delectable dessert, one we had never tried before because it was new. It was a box of mini ice cream cones with the ice cream covered in chocolate (pictured above, cute, yes!). Yummo! So he grabs the box, tells us what they are. Then he proceeds to slice the box open, maybe with a swiss army knife or his keys. And then, get this, he hands me and J yummo ice cream cones! Free ice cream cones! Score! So, we couldn't have our first choice, but maybe the sandwiches were out of stock for a reason! Maybe the reason was so that this Hippie-Nice Man-Employee could make two little ladies really, really happy. Maybe it happened so a Stranger-Employee-Man could give us a little bit of unexpected kindness. Maybe it was to remind us all that we need to act out of love because it just might change someones day, or make a someones good day turn into a GREAT day!

Thank you Hippie Trader Joe's Employee; I guess you gave me a necessary reminder that what we give to the world will, in a tiny way, come back to us. I believe that when we give joy to others, often we are repayed in some little way. Maybe in the form of an ice cream cone, maybe in the form of a smile or a flower or a five dollar bill or a penny or maybe a hug. Hippie Man, you are a kind man, whose small gesture helped me remember how much I love the little things. I hope I never forget you, mister. And wherever you go, whatever you do, thank you!

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